• Steve GoldnerNeighbor

  • Maplewood, NJ

<strong>Contact information:<br>Steve Goldner<br>stevegoldner&#64;optonline.net</strong><strong><br>Twitter: www.twitter.com/SocialSteve</strong>

Steve Goldner (aka Social Steve) is a social media consultant helping companies with their marketing plan and integrating social media into their strategy and execution.

Steve has a track record of providing the leadership that bridges market needs and value to technological innovation and go to market execution.  His experience includes positions in marketing, product management, product marketing, and he was a software engineer way back when. 

Steve has defined the social media &#34;A-path&#34; – an approach to traverse clients&#39; potential customers and target segments through the marketing funnel …

1) Get their ATTENTION<br>2) ATTRACT them<br>3) Gain AFFINITY for you<br>4) Get regular engagement with you and keep them as your AUDIENCE<br>5) Get them to be your ADVOCATES – the greatest level to reach.

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